1.Where was, William Wordsworth born?
Ans. (Cockermouth, Cumberland, England)..
2.When was, William Wordsworth born?
Ans. (7th April ,1770)..
3. What is, William Wordsworth, well known for?
Ans. ( Natural /Romantic poet)..
4. Which collection, of poems, did Wordsworth, co-author, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge?
Ans. (Lyrical Ballads)..
5. In which year, was (Lyrical Ballads) ,first published?
Ans. (1798)..
6. What is, the renowned preface to (Lyrical Ballads), well known for?
Ans. (Outlining the principles of Romantic poetry)..
7. Which poem, begins with (I wandered lonely ,as a cloud)?
Ans. (Daffodils)..
8. Which Lake District, location ,is connected with Wordsworth?
Ans. (Grasmere)..
9. What is, the name ,of Wordsworth’s sister/close chum?
Ans. (Dorothy Wordsworth)..
10. Where did, Wordsworth attend college?
Ans. (St John’s College, Cambridge)..
11. Which French Revolution, event greatly, did influence, Wordsworth’s early work?
Ans. (The Reign of Terror)..
12. What was, the name of, Wordsworth’s wife?
Ans. (Mary Hutchinson)..
13. What title, did Wordsworth hold, from 1843, till death?
Ans. (Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom)..
14. What is, the name of, Wordsworth’s autobiographical poem?
Ans. ( Prelude)..
15. When was, (The Prelude) published?
Ans. (Posthumously, in 1850)..
16. What theme/ sum & substance is, usually found ,in Wordsworth’s poetry?
Ans. (Nature ,and its relationship with human beings)..
17. Which of Wordsworth’s poems, is a celebration, of a girl’s innocence, and simplicity?
Ans. (We Are Seven)..
18. What is ,the title, of Wordsworth’s sonnet, sequence published, in 1807,?
Ans. (Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty, and Order)..
19. Which poem, did Wordsworth ,write about his childhood?
Ans. (Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey)..
20. Which poem of Wordsworth contains, the lines “The Child is father of the Man”?
Ans. (My Heart Leaps Up)